Sunday, December 30, 2012

DI idioms

Setter injection has advantages in being flexible, particularly if you don't need every dependency set all of the time. However, it has significant drawbacks since fields can't be made immutable (constant), which is important to preserving object graph integrity. Constructor injection is a compelling alternative, since it does allow you to set immutable fields. It is also useful since you can't accidentally forget to set a dependency (such configuration fails early and fast). Constructor injection is also less verbose and prevents accidental overwriting of previously set dependencies.
However, it too has some drawbacks: If you have several dependencies (or worse, several similar ones), it is difficult to tell them apart. Furthermore, a circular reference (where two components depend on each other) is impossible to resolve with simple constructor wiring. Setter injection helps here, since both objects can be constructed in an incomplete state and later wired to one another. Setter injection also helps avoid the constructor pyramid, which is a design issue when you have multiple profiles of a component, in other words, where a component uses different subsets of its dependencies in different scenarios. Setters are also explicit about the dependencies they wire and thus make for more browsable code.
Constructor injection can be used to solve the circular reference problem, but it requires an intermediary placeholder known as a proxy. Some DI libraries (such as Guice) provide this out of the box, without any additional coding on your part. A related issue, the in-construction problem, where circular interdependents are used before the proxied wiring can complete, can be solved by combining constructor and setter injection or purely with setter injection. Better yet, you can solve this by using a special initializing hook.
However, the drawbacks of field mutability and the vulnerability that setter injection has to accidental invalid construction are too great to ignore. Non-final fields are also potentially unsafe to multiple interleaving threads (more on that in chapter 9). So, always try constructor injection first and fall back to setter injection only where you must.
There are also other injection idioms:
  • Interface injection—This involves exposing role interfaces that are effectively setter methods in their own interface. It has the advantage of being explicit just like setters, and it can be given meaningful names. However, interface injection is extremely verbose and requires several single-use interfaces to be created for the sole purpose of wiring. It is also not supported by many DI libraries.
  • Method decoration—This involves intercepting a method call and returning an injector-provided value instead. In other words, method decoration turns an ordinary method into a Factory method, but importantly, an injector-backed Factory method. This is useful in some rare cases, but it is difficult to test without an injector and so should be carefully weighed first.
  • Other idioms—Field injection is a useful utility, where fields are set directly using reflection. This makes for compact classes and is good in tutorial code where space is at a premium. However, it is nearly impossible to test (or replace with mocks) and so should be avoided in production code. Object enhancement is a neat idea that removes the injector from the picture altogether, instead enhancing objects via source code or otherwise leaving them to inject themselves. This is different from Factories or Service Location because it does not pollute source code at development time. There are very few such solutions in practice.
Some components "use up" their dependencies and need them reinjected (within their lifetimes). This introduces a problem, namely reinjection. Reinjection can be solved by the only, which involves the use of a single-method interface that encapsulates the work of constructing a dependency by hand or looks it up from the injector by service location. Providers let you abstract away infrastructure logic from dependent components and are thus a compelling solution to reinjection.
Contextual injection is a related problem. Here, a component may need new dependencies on each use, but more important it needs to provide them with context. This is a form of dependency that is known only at the time of use. Assisted injection can help. A slight variation of the Provider pattern, an Assisted Provider does the same job but passes in the context object to a partially constructed dependency. Since this can quickly get out of hand if you have more than one context object, try looking at the Builder pattern instead. The Builder incrementally absorbs dependencies (context objects or otherwise) and then decides how to construct the original service. It may use constructor wiring or a series of setters or indeed a combination as appropriate. The builder is also an easy solution to the reinjection problem and in such cases is very similar to a provider.
Some code is beyond your control, either third-party libraries, frozen code, or code that can't be changed for some other reasons (such as time constraints). You still need these components, so you need a way to bring them into a modern architecture with dependency injection. DI is really good at this work and at neutralizing such undulations in a large code base. One solution is to use external metadata (if your injector supports it) such as an XML file. This leaves the sealed classes unaffected but still provides them with requisite dependencies. However, if sealed code uses factories or unconventional setter methods, this may be difficult. In this case, the Adapter pattern is a powerful solution. You inject the Adapter as per usual, and then the Adapter decides how to wire the original component. Adapters are a strong solution because they can leave client code unaffected. They are also a transparent alternative to the reinjection problem, though they are sometimes verbose compared to providers.

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